Get Me Fricken
Sledge Hammer!
This Computer
Is Going Down.
1. (Loud noises, banging
and groaning)
2. What's wrong (name)? Something I can do to
1. Eh hum, Yea talk to this computer for me
and make it run.
2. oooo, Tough one, I do not talk to machines,
I take my Networking problems to AmegA Computers
1. AmegA Computers?
2. Yea, AmegA Computers and Web Design! They
get the bugs out.
1. What Bugs?
2. Internet Bugs, Viruses, Spy ware. The reason
why your computer is running so terrible. Give
them a call.
1. What is the number?
2. 223-9694 Need a pen?
1. 223-9694, they are located at 1910 E Front
Ave, Big Red Building, Inside The Shop, Your
Motorcycle Connection
This is an urgent broadcast brought to you by
the creators of AmegA Computers and Computers
For Kids
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